The Interior - April 2012

Partition wall
Barn door kitchen cabinets
Compost bin pull-out
John let me paint the bathroom pink and green!  :-)
We went with semi-transparent exterior stain for the bathroom walls, so you can see the grain of the wood

John's kitchen pegboard - he can't wait to hang stuff on it
New copper flashing around the propane stove
Our rebar-and-2x4 pot rack!  Made from scraps and $5 worth of new hardware

We painted the back concrete wall this weekend - much cheerier now!
Nice wide window sills

Built in shelves...future cook book storage!
New shelf for filling pots/buckets at the pump


  1. Very impressive, you must be so pleased with what you've achieved. We're looking forward to a visit and tour before we head out in mid-May.

    Well done

  2. Yay for a move-in date! It all looks great! I especially love the pot/pan hanger; I might have to put it on my pintrest.
